Solutions for social distancing in your business.
Employers and businesses will need to re-imagine the way they do business and provide services. Call MJ Martin Woodworking today to discuss how we can help reconfigure your place of business.

Safety and Reassurance.
In the coming months, everyone will be looking for reassurance that when they walk into a place of business every effort is being made to keep them safe. This may be a temporary disruption, but the duration is unknown. The reality is this may be with us for a while. We have all heard
of the chance of a resurgence next winter and our customers will look for the comfort of safety until this virus is truly behind us. For the foreseeable future social distancing partitions will be no different to our businesses than a comfortable chair, a clean nicely decorated setting, or a friendly knowledgeable employee, in other words our social distancing partitions is just part of doing business.